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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why I Loved the Jersey Shore

I apologize for not getting this in last night but I decided that drinking was more important. I feel like people would agree my priorities are in order and now these will be a Friday special, whether it's a rant about something bothering me or something that's cool I will let you know.  So let's get it. 

I remember when I first saw the previews for Jersey Shore, I had a feeling that this show was going to be awesome because it appeared to have everything the Real World had and then some.  My roommates felt I was overhyping this reality show and no one truly believed that this show would be the best thing thats happened to America in 2009.  

Every roommate tuned in and a couple of them, Brett and Nate Dawg were making snide comments due to their usual hatred of reality television.  But after an hour, people were hooked watching this nightmare and falling in love with the characters one episode at a time.  Then at the end, you see Snooki get punched which drew the biggest "HOLY SHIT" from the housemates, more so than any sporting event.  I think we rewinded it about 7 times before being satisfied. 

Needless to say by the end of month, references to Jersey Shore were all over Twitter/Facebook and people adopted the cast as if they were their friends. (By the way, be real if you saw The Situation in the bars you would feel he is the biggest tool ever) People stared using their sayings in everyday life like "grenade" or "hurricane."  The whole cast now has reached superstar status unlike any reality show we have seen in awhile.  Snooki seems to be loved by every girl for whatever reason, I don't find her as annoying as some people do but still gets on my nerves.  Vinny is easily the best character because he has a guido tendancy but he seems like you could have a beer with him. 

My buddy Bails said it best in a tweet... "Jersey Shore was like the career of Barry Sanders. Fast, quick, explosive, and way too short."    


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