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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Something Tells me Tiger isn't Welcomed at any LPGA Events....

And there you have it... It has been revealed that some cocktail waitress from Los Angeles admitted to having a two and half year affair with one Tiger Woods.  The funniest thing about the whole thing is that this girl was on Tool Academy on VH1.  For those who do not watch reality television as much as I do, Tool Academy is a trashy show about how boyfriends (tools) act in the douchiest possible ways and their girlfriends likely find out they have cheated.

Anyways, Jamiee Grubbs (Of course this is not a traditional way to spell Jamie, Tiger should have known problems where on the rise) decided to get 15 to 30 minutes of fame and run with it.  Releasing a voicemail from Tiger and there are 300 text messages from Tiger, which according to friend of the Corner, Eric tells me that they could be consisted of what one would call sexting. Basically, Tiger is screwed.  Simple as that, some of the endorsement money will go away for awhile and maybe Elin divorces him translating into half of Tiger's worth no matter if a prenup was set up. 

One thing I do not get and Eric once again pointed this out to me.  Tiger is very comparable to anonymous roommate of mine.  We shall call him Floyd.   Floyd doesn't like to let know where he goes at pretty much all times leaving us to wonder where Floyd is. Unlike the rest of us who know pretty much where everyone is at all times. None of really care about Floyd's personal life but because he keeps it so guarded, speculation builds and we give him shit for it.  If Floyd is leaving, at least he could give us a bullshit excuse to lose interest in his life.

This relates to Tiger because he is hiding just like Floyd does.  Now everyone in sports and celebrity gossip world is speculating what's next about Tiger?  If he just came out and said "Hey I cheated, screwed up, Elin and I are going to group counseling to figure this out to save our two young children from going through a divorce."  That's it, over and done with it in about three weeks.  Now this will become a multi-month story and be the biggest build-up to a PGA event in January since God knows when. Tiger needs to do major PR work and try his best to get the celebrity media hounds off his ass. 

I hate the fact that US Weekly and TMZ cover this more than ESPN.  They want to protect Tiger just like everyone else in the sports world therefore you are letting these gossip magazines take all of your stories. Is this what's going to be the standard. I have paged through my fair share of US Weekly's (sad I know) and never could I remember seeing Tiger Woods in there.  ESPN did a shitty job of reporting this because Tiger is a Godsend to that network and endangering that friendship would be detrimental.   

Once again, I said it last week... I will still support Tiger. Everybody screws up in life and due to being in the public eye, people have to find out his transgressions as Tiger liked to call it. I said earlier this has a 50% chance of screwing 2010 for him, I have moved that to 65%.  Something tells me sadly, this isn't the end of it.  Once US Weekly puts you on a cover, you are there for a month unless something happens bigger. Pray for that Tiger.


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