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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Leach's Pirate Ship Gets Parked

I think if you have read enough Chuck’s Corner you would realize that I am the type of guy when it comes to coaching, I am all about let the coaches do what they do and the players/parents should not get involved whatsoever especially in college sports. Would it shock you in the slightest that I am all for Mike Leach in this situation as it stands right now? No I don’t think so.

Quick backdrop in the story, the Texas Tech Red Raiders Head Coach Mike Leach felt the need to keep Adam James, son of Craig James on of the 94 college analysts for ESPN/ABC in an electrical closet for an unknown amount of time after the effects of a concussion.  I said to my friend Shannon last night, what is even going on in this stoy?  He couldn't tell me and I didn't have an answer on what actually was the situation at hand other than the electrical closet thing. One of the many reasons why the whole firing makes no sense.

First, Leach was suspended then the legal team for Leach fought that, then Leach is fired.  This happened all in a matter of three days or so, whaaaaaaaaaaaat?  How in the world do things like that happen so quickly in a world where it takes us five days to analyze a 4th and 2 play in Indianapolis.  I mean c'mon, shouldn't we review all the facts or could there be something larger looming?

My guess is something larger is going to hit the Red Raider program and hard, because it makes no sense when you have a coach who has lead your team to eight straight bowl games and you just gave him a fat extension.  You really weren't that afraid of ESPN and the power they do have with the James angle were you?

Leach treated James like any of his other players and he had a problem with that because "I am Craig James' kid." Now that's not Joe Montana's kid but still his dad is a prominent figure in the television realm of college football.  I believe that he rides his dad's coattails and when something happened to him that he felt was a bit extreme he went right to Daddy because he can solve most problems using the ESPN machine. Craig has been saying how they are "victims."  Really, Craig you mean to tell me a coach never grabbed you by the facemask and threw you down, or did a real asshole move to you?  C'mon you played in the eighties! Of course that shit happened to you. 

Like I said earlier in the post, there is much more that hasn't been uncovered but I will leave you this from Seth Davis who does college basketball for CBS via Twitter.
"Ironic that the school that fired Mike Leach for alleged player abuse wouldn't even reprimand Bob Knight for popping a player in the mouth"

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