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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Carlos Dunlap is Sleepy

All the time, we talked about how athletes are selfish, do not really care about the team, and its a "me thing instead of a "we thing.  Usually, it's about pro football, basketball, baseball not college.  Except, this time it's all about the selfishness of Carlos Dunlap, the defensive end for the Florida Gators.  

Dunlap, this morning was arrested and put in jail with a DUI. He fell asleep at the wheel at a green light.   On a Monday night nonetheless, which when I played college football... Tuesday was our hardest day.  Therefore explain to me why Dunlap spent the night drinking heavily?  I do not want to preach not drinking because it is something that we all do at various nights but never endanger your team in the most important game of the year.  I cannot believe someone would be as selfish as Dunlap last night.   At least if you do drink no reason to take your car out for a joy ride.  In addition, Mel Kiper Jr projected him the third pick in the NFL Draft right now, imagine if something serious would have happened to Dunlap last night.

I am not blaming Urban Meyer for this because you cannot expect him to be a babysitter for young adults. Things like this happen all the time with major programs, but never in a situation such as this one.  Usually, DUI, drunk in public and fights happen on the weekends after a game or during the off-season.  Coaches handle it accordingly by running the players or suspending them for the first game of the year if the incident happened close to the season.  

If I am a fan of Florida, of course I do not want Dunlap suspended.  Brandon Spikes, Florida's Middle Linebacker and Dunlap are the biggest keys to the Florida's front seven.  Not to mention, going up against Heisman candidate Marc Ingram, big time rut roh.  As an outsider looking in, Dunlap deserves to be suspended.  He did something detrimental to his team, which most of the time warrants suspension.  I have no idea what I would do if I am Urban Meyer, but knowing the guy I believe Meyer is, he will suspend Dunlap for the game.  



Anonymous said...

Has a college athlete ever played the same week of a DUI? In the history of everything, I mean ever. The only reason it's a question is b/c of Urban's failure to punish players in the past.

Mike Schactner said...

There's no doubt in my mind that he will be suspended. However, we're starting to hint towards a topic that I feel is a growing issue among fans. That is , athletes are simply bigger than the game. Urban has been soft on punishments, but how many times a week do sports fans talk about the Florida Gators? Sports run this country. I either play or watch sports daily. Look at tigger, he's basically accused of the same thing Bill Clinton was accused for. But, Woods wont have to answer all the questions and certainly wont have to worry about getting kicked out of the PGA tour. Athletes, the popular ones, are granted a power. The power of being judged on national TV on how well they play a game. This is the only impression the viewers and fans choose to care about. Hence, the athletes that keep us watching every weekend are bigger than the game. They are now a commodity. Why do you think Vick is back?

Unknown said...

He is suspended and I think things like this i.e. Fights, drunk in public, even sometimes sexual assault. Can someone give me examples of Urban's past? I always thought he did an okay job about it.

Kobe Bryant is the prime of example of this, Mike. I like Kobe but you are right, we are so desensitised (if thats a word) as nation. Nothing really shakes us unless its brutal.

On another note, I hope US Weekly and TMZ leave Tiger alone. He is a sports star not a effin celebrity.

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