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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Baroid in Big Trouble UPDATE

If you dont know, Barry Bonds is Baroid for his alleged steroid use throughout the last years of his career. Alleged is a word that we might not be using anymore because according to the New York Times, they are urine samples from his grand jury case in 2003 that detected other steroids that Bonds didnt inform the grand jury about. Rut roh.

The reason all of this has came up again is because I believe in June, there will be a perjury trial to see if Bonds lied about anything in 2003 which they believed he did. Another big time rut roh for Bonds right now because this isnt going to get better and its about time that Bonds just admits he did steroids to end all speculation.

I mean urine is probably one of the most obvious things that could easily shift the case to the Feds and if Bonds came out like a man, there may be a chance his sentence could be cut. This wont happen because Bonds has bigger ego than the state of California so I see no chance of Bonds coming out and admitting he fucked up.

Bonds will go down swinging and guess what? Its going to be a three swing strikeout.

Former teammate Bobby Estalella has agreed to testify in the perjury case and during the BALCO trial, he admitted to using the cream, clear, and HGH that Bonds is under fire for and according to the article, this was all given to him by Greg Anderson, Bonds personal trainer. Barry trust me just come clean and talk about it. Make a bunch of tv appearances and maybe this will get better but I am pretty sure he will be joining Mike Vick in jail.


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