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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Aww LeBron Doesnt Want to be Embarrassed

Alright LeBron lets see it. Cmon we need to see the tape of you getting dunked on by Xavier transfer Jordan Crawford who went to Indiana for a year dunked on LeBron James in a pickup game and lets just say Mr. James is too shy to show us all the tape of what had happened.

I mean he has good reason to look like a dog with his tail in between his legs due to the fact that the guy whose is one of the greatest athletes in professional sports got dunked on like his name was Shawn Bradley. Lets be honest here nobody is perfect in whatever sport you play, the best wide receiver still have got their fair share of huge hits across the middle and Cy Young pitchers get roughed up once in awhile. Although what makes basketball different, its the only sport that features pick-up games where things like this could happen.

All these media people say how good LeBron does with the media and rarely ever screws up although I think because he hasnt messed up enough, the media jumps his ass when stuff like this happens. The new cop-out that Nike has made is that Crawford was wearing Adidas which I find hard to believe when here shows that Xavier wore Nike for the tournament so what sense would that make? I think its going to be their excuse on why the tape cant be released if its never shown. He handled it the worst way possible and I have an idea for LBJ that would probably save face in this situation

Nike should say to Ryan Miller who was filming that they are buying the tape from him and then shooting a commercial with the footage. Build the hype around the dunk and say you (speaking to young kids) can dunk over LeBron too some day and to "Make your own Witnesses." How the hell doesnt that sell shoes, yeah it might be a bit embarrassing for LeBron at first but when its all said and done I truly believe that makes money for LBJ. I am sure this hasnt happen to LeBron but trust me whats going to happen when he falls down on defense in an NBA game or this occurs again in an NBA game? No one can take that tape away....


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