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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jay Cutler Go Away Now.

Jay Cutler story needs to die rather quickly because I am sick of it. Its getting to the point where its out of control and we seemingly hear about it every five days.
If you didnt hear yesterday, the Broncos decided to trade last year's Pro Bowler Jay Cutler after Josh McDaniels-Cutler relationship never got off to a good start and now the new coach has put his ass on the line before his first game as a head coach. In addition, they have a whole new slew of problems to deal with as well.

The first problem that McDaniels has to deal with is.. whose going to be the quarterback next year? Chris Simms is their backup right now which probably will not work out for Denver. Bill Williamson of had some ideas which I like a couple of them... Jeff Gracia would not be a bad idea for one or two year guy until someone else comes along. I also like the idea of getting Matt Sanchez if they can trade up to do it. Another plan being thrown out there is getting one of the Cleveland quarterbacks Brady Quinn or Derek Anderson.

It seems like Washington wants Cutler bad which I could see for the sole fact, they spent the most money in the offseason and they want immediate results. Jason Campbell is a good player but he isnt Cutler. I would assume that Campbell gets traded to Denver if the deal is done. Also I dont understand why Detroit isnt actively perusing this deal. I would be offering the word to Denver to try to bring a franchise guy who would get the fans legitimately excited about the Lions. The Jets are another team would I believe will throw their name in the hat.

When the chips are down, this a "Brett Favre" situation to a much lesser degree but if it blows up in Denver's faces that will could very well create problems with McDaniels and the fans of the Broncos. They better hope they get a quarterback who can make sure Denver doesnt miss a beat.


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