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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Rashard Lewis' Best Friends: Big Papi and A-Rod?

Once again, I am late but I really dont care. I was having a rather heated discussion at the Clubhouse with my friends Bailey, Mach, and Doz. I was discussing how I feel the NBA will surpassed MLB in ten years or so throwing out a bunch of reasons although the one that was a big kicker was its a clean sport. Wouldnt you know it not more than two days later, Rashard Lewis of the Orlando Magic is suspended for ten days for violating the league's drug-testing policy. In addition, Doz made sure I knew about it.

I do not really think that there are many people in the NBA who are taking steroids or things like that. I honestly have no idea what steroids would do to make yourself better in the NBA. I mean with baseball, we always know you can hit the ball harder and recover from injuries. Lewis might be doing it for injury-sake but like I said, its hard to comment on this when you have no idea what steroids could do for your NBA career.

Also this isnt going to kill the league and people may boo Lewis although he isnt a big time All Star. If this was LeBron James, Dwayne Wade, Kobe Bryant, or Dwight Howard violating an anti-drug policy then we may have an issue. People would wonder what league really is clean although none of the leagues really are maybe the NHL who knows. A couple people get caught in the NFL (Shawne Merriman) or NBA (Lewis) although the last fifteen years havent revolved around steroids.


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