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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rondo Amazes Me Again.

My man-crush for Rajon Rondo is probably one of the biggest ones I have had in awhile for a player in any professional sport but c'mon his legend is growing by the game. Rondo last night went off for 18 pts 12 rbs 10 assts, as Bill "The Rock" Schroeder says on a nightly basis, "Are you kiddin' me?" Seriously, it's time to reevaluate the not only is Rondo the best point guard in the NBA, but is he in the top 10 of best right now.

I am not talking like pick a team of 5 v. 5, I am actually talking the ten best players in the league. I mean the classic "Rondo-fake" gets guys every time and no knows how to stop it. It's a lot like LeBron James who would swat the hell out of any lay-up with no one thinking 'Gee what about a pump fake?' Although who was the guy to fake out LeBron?  Oh yeah, Rondo. I have trouble coming up with words to describe the rise of Rondo in these NBA Playoffs.  To me, that is the story of the postseason.  Not that Kobe Bryant might get his fifth title, or where LeBron is going, but a Kentucky point guard who no one believed could be an offensive threat is now taking over games like the other guys mentioned before him.

If I have a chance when I am in Milwaukee for one of my breaks, I am praying Boston is in town because I would like to see Rondo in person. I said a couple weeks ago, that he is a guy I would pay top-dollar to watch perform due to his speed, his attacking ways, and his great defense. Before the playoffs started, my roommate Dan was absolutely mesmerized by Rondo, always making comments about his quickness and agility. I liked him myself, kind of a punk but never really noticed him that much due to the Big 3 out there. Now, he is the star and they are beneath him. 

Can anyone remember a team where a role player has become the star overnight for an entire playoffs? Sure, there are those special nights where a guy like Aaron Boone becomes the hero because of one swing of the bat, but the entire playoffs?  I cannot come up with one really, I mean you can't use Tom Brady because he wasn't a role player more of a back up, maybe Magic Johnson in the 1980 Finals with his 47 and 15 but even then he was considered an up and coming star. No one projected this for Rondo for reasons of he couldn't shoot or make free throws on a consistent basis. 

I have told people this for weeks, if Rondo learns how to make a 15 ft. jumper next season we are looking at a top five candidate off the bat for MVP next season. Hell, we might be already without the jumper. There is no doubt in my mind that Rondo could average a triple-double next season but we will have to wait to see if he can finish off the Lakers before any talk about next season.


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