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Monday, February 22, 2010

Top Five: Favorite Professional Wrestlers/Tag Teams

Some of you watched professional wrestling or better know in my world as WWE.  I watched it religously twice a week and sometimes even three times a week.  Now, the last two years I have been reeled back in thanks to various people and watched it mostly in Tosa although if I flip through channels on Monday, Raw might stay on. 

1. Stone Cold Steve Austin- The Rattlesnake was the man.  Simple as that, I loved everything about him at the tender age of 10.  I think it led to some rebelling as a kid because I saw Stone Cold not giving a f.. about anything and doing what he wanted when he wanted.  Story to share, I wasn't the only one who loved Stone Cold.. My friend Doz would go out to his backyard turn on the theme music and slam two root beers like he was Stone Cold.  If only we had video of this, my goal for the summer is to have him do it with beer of course. 

2. Shawn Michaels- The Heartbreak Kid was my original favorite wrestler.  The first wrestler who I liked as a small kid. I really do not know why I liked him so much, likely it probably had do with the fact he was the best at the time I started watching wrestling.  I got pulled back into wrestling because I witnessed the reunion of DeGeneration X with Triple H. Sweet Chin Music is a top five finisher as well, it's no stunner but still a great move. 

3. New Age Outlaws- All time favorite tag-team.  I can still sing about half of the entrance song.... OOOOOHHH YOU DIDN'T KNOW?!  YOUR ASS BETTER CALL SOMEBODY!!!!!!  I love the Outlaws, they were so cool and worked well as a team.  Also a part of DX, which added to the aspect of their coolness.  Bigger fan of the Road Dogg, then Bad Ass Billy Gunn because I believe he was white with dreads, something I didn't know was possible. 

4. Hardy Boyz- Another Tag Team makes the list because after the New Age Outlaws, there were the Hardy Boyz.  In general, everybody loved this tag-team.  The reason is because they did the craziest shit in the wrestling ring.  I still love Jeff Hardy who I believe he is back on the nose candy but yes, someday I will try a swanton bomb.

5. John Cena- I could put anyone in here but the reason why it's Cena. I have a friend The Burner who one day during on Monday Night Raw events one day came in super hot with jean shorts on with Cena's music on his mini-boom box doing the whole beginning of Cena's entrance.  It was as awesome as I am describing it. So funny, kudos to him.


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