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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Throwing Water Bottles is a New College Sport

Once upon a time, I was a super fan for a team.  Granted, it was only a high school experience but I still had a blast in the stands cheering on my basketball team plus I knew they appreciated my support.  I did some things that I probably regret but I never threw anything on to the court like West Virginia, a couple weeks ago and Mississippi State did today.

First of all, I feel bad for anyone who cheers on the Mountaineers and Bulldogs if they are students, alumni, or just overall fans.  Because not everyone in the stands is throwing shit onto the courts, rather it's a few drunken individuals who had a few too many drinks. In addition, a fan who cares way too much like the kid I saw playing World of Warcraft for three straight hours. A message to him and the over-the-top fans, get a life.  Look, WoW and college basketball doesn't matter that much. 

The other thing that is sad about this whole thing is both of these states (West Virginia/Mississippi) are not regarded as "classy states" in the first place.  How many jokes about how dumb the people of West Virginia and Mississippi are? (Not saying that people from those states are but if you look up dumb states jokes, they are near the top of the list)  No matter if you are a Marshall fan or an Ole Miss fan, it's still an embarrassment to the whole state that something like this had to happen.

Also, I know the refs aren't the greatest.  Trust me, I have seen Marquette get screwed over by the bigger team like a Syracuse or UConn but that doesn't give any fan the right to litter the court with water bottles. Bitter rivalries sometimes start fights, but most fans just get jacked up from what happened and now want to kick their asses even more.

I hate to say this but I believe the NCAA should make a rule if this happens once that the students are banned for a game and if happens again, they are banned for the year.  For the most part, I feel the alumni and other fans do not start this sort of shit, it is usually the drunken student body. In addition, I have no problems with the fans going drunk to the game, just not to level where you feel it's okay to throw things. I hope some action from the NCAA comes from this entire melee.


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