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Friday, October 2, 2009

The Ruins Run-Down With Coach (Part 2)

Just scroll down the page for the stuff on the girls and also why we do not have the actual transcript of Coach and I's conversation of it all. Anyways here are the boys.

Adam- He may suck worse than Kenny and thats hard to do. I really do not like Adam, I didn't during his Real World (one of the worst ones placed in Paris, no one hooked up and it was boring although provided us with two of the best challenge characters... Ace and CT). Hope he gets punched again.

Brad- He said he wasn't coming back after the Duel and was going to find a job. Although, that had to be Burger King with his spelling skills. The bio has him living at home with Tori haha.

Cohutta- He is in the top five people I would like to hang out with on this show and he is a cool dude. I am sure gets into his head that he can probably hear Wes-Kelly Anne doing it downstairs.

Chet- The Morman! Didn't expect to like him at all but his talks with Tonya plus the comment about 'needing six people to get Shauvon up to the top' was a top five quote. We were all thinking it but that drove it home. Sad he had to leave.

Danny- He earned Coach's D-Bag of the week for just being flat out annoying and acting like everything Wes did was sacrilegious. Who cares really. Its kind of like Step Brothers when Dale rips the fart in the interview.. You loved Danny originally and now he is just annoying. Bring Melinda at least. Coach and I also demand a drug test for Danny as well, ripped out of his mind.

Darrell- When at home, I watch these with my sister and our favorite character for years was Darrell. Also came up with the quote of the weekend, "Cant turn a hoe into a housewife." Also he would have have kicked the living shit out of Wes which is hard for me to say. I hope he wins it all.

Derrick- He got Coach's recommendation for the Man of the Week after he saw Wes going apeshit on everybody. Derrick was cool as a cucumber sipping on a PBR like cocktail hour. Also had the quote of the week "I just had a baby so I am here to win money because its the right thing to do." Yeah logical answer.

Dunbar- Just a big time meathead. He brings really nothing to the table and some girls are slightly attracted to him. Thats about it.

Evan- Everyone seems to hate Evan and I enjoy him thoroughly. This might change if he keeps dawging Wes at every opportunity. We shall see and if you know my roommate Seth tell him he looks like Evan.

Johnny- Mr. Bananas himself. Coach and I discussed how he thought he was God announcing the ten commandments when he thought of that plan for Wes. It was pretty damn obvious how you could beat Wes throwing the mission.

Kenny- Mr. D-Bag himself. I hope he gets punched by whoever, it doesn't even have to be Wes. The less guido, the better the show becomes.

Nick- Once again who cares. He will be out on his ass in a couple of episodes just you watch.

Syrus- Talk about a blast from the past. Coach described Syrus as "Roger Clemens age 43." There has to be some HGH floated around the MTV Offices.

Wes- My main man. I hope he wins the whole thing just to piss a ton of people off and I think it is great that he just doesn't care that people do not like him. Arguably banging the hottest chick and knows that he gets in people's head. Can't wait for more Wes' moments

Next week, I will have an actual interview with Coach and what we discuss about the episode, this will be a weekly thing.

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