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Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Ruins Run-Down With Coach (Part 1)

Unfortunately, I closed out my AIM conversation with Coach P. so we dont have the text but I will give you all the characters if you didn't watch plus our thoughts on some key moments. I have been a big fan since about fifth grade, I shit you not it has been going on for that long. Nine years and there are people who are still on there from the first time I watched. I recommend to watch this on MTV on 9pm on Wednesdays but I will break down every character, give you mine and Coach's thoughts. Here we gooooo..

Briana (RW Hollywood)- Honestly we didn't talk about her but really who cares. She will be out of the challenge by week three.

Casey (Fresh Meat)- A girl who has enhanced her breasts and had one of the better quotes "I wish we could all just not have the challenges and hang out all the time like this." That just means you want to party and hook up with as many as guys as humanly possible.

Diem (Fresh Meat)- She is long gone after losing to Drunk Tonya. How does that happen. I always thought she was hot, Coach found her annoying. Didn't talk about her but I know that's his thoughts.

Evie (Fresh Meat)- Strongest women competitor and my pick to win it all. She might be a man like that chick from South Africa, we don't know yet.

Ibis (RR X-Treme)- Very attractive woman, and thats all she wrote on that one.

Johanna (RW Austin)- She dates Kenny now which is an awful decision. I will get more on Kenny later but you gotta expect her around for most of the season creating conflict.

Katie (RR X-Treme)- Oh she got married?! How did that happen? She whored it up with the best of them in prior challenges. I think something will happen with her in terms of hooking up.

Kelly-Anne (RW Sydney)- Favorite moment of the whole episode was when Darrell called her out for what she is. She was upset obviously for getting called out for slutting around but that's not any of our faults.

Kimberly (RW Hollywood)- She was invisible in week one and I hope there is more of her. Could be an underdog pick to win it all.

Sarah (RW Brooklyn)- Fake Kat Von Dee over here. She is useless, no more for her.

Shauvon (RW Sydney)- Fake boobs is all she has going for her. I think she is in the top five in terms of out of shape people on this show and I cannot wait until she pops an implant next week.

Susie (RR Austrailia)- Ms. Goody Too Shoes. She has to be on the pure tour with Chet, so annoying.

Tonya (RW Chicago)- I could write a whole story on Tonya. Probably the most psychotic character in the Challenge's history and she thought that her drinking would end when the challenges started false. Coach also wonder what would happen if CT/Tonya had a kid. Probably the most fucked-up off-spring of all time. Another favorite had to be the Tonya-Evie spat where she would have got owned by the half-man. Also lets not forgot, Chet the Morman trying to convince her not to drink and it makes me wonder if she invited to her bed. Chet wasn't available for comment.

Veronica (RR Semester at Sea)- Sooooo hot. I dont care that she is 40 nor does Coach. He believes there has to be an STD immunity built up in her since she has slept with every alpha male in the house. Well then.


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