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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

NFL Hates the Rush

One of the bigger stories in the past couple of days is the fact that the NFL wasn't a fan of Rush Limbaugh taking part ownership in the St. Louis Rams. While I think is unfair and everyone in America has a voice (freedom of speech), I can understand Commissioner Roger Goodell point. His reason was pretty simple

Divisive comments are not what the NFL is all about," Goodell said. "I would not want to see those kind of comments from people who are in a responsible position in the NFL. "Divisive comments are not what the NFL is all about," Goodell said. "I would not want to see those kind of comments from people who are in a responsible position in the NFL." (via Chicago Tribune)

Goodell is obviously worried that Limbaugh will say something leading into a foot in a mouth situation for the NFL and he doesn't want to have deal with the pressure the Reverend Al Sharpton and Reverend Jessie Jackson bring to the table. Which in my opinion is complete bullshit because I have no idea how a guy like Jackson who talked down about Jews can have opinions on race? Doesnt seem fair to me.

The other unfortunate thing about Sharpton/Jackson, they would convince African-Americans to not play for the Rams and well, you really cannot field an all-white football team expecting to a.) win and b.) draw controversy. I am not saying that would happen but it would be likely players would speak out against Mr. Limbaugh. Also I hope that neither of those two ever want to buy an NFL team because they shouldn't be welcomed either into the league.

The one point I do want to share from my roommate and beloved guest of Chuck's Corner E... "Players can talk about how great (President Barack) Obama is and they get praise for it, then one conservative wants to own a team leading to a sort of revolution." You do have to wonder what our standard on politics in the NFL. If you are going to allow one thing but not another then a standard needs to be made. It's fair that these guys have opinions but they aren't Rhodes Scholars, it's a bandwagon thing. I would like to see how many NFL players who were outspoken about our President made it out to the polls to vote... I bet the number is slim.


PS: I promise no more politics haha.

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