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Monday, May 12, 2008

Hold the Mayo: O.J in Big Time Trouble

God what a cheesy title but its finals week so I really cannot think of anything better. Lets talk about Mr. O.J. Mayo and how screwed USC will be in a couple years as the hammer will drop down on them.

As a university I have always cheered for the football team and has been rather impartial when it comes to the basketball team because they never had any guys who I liked to watch. Now lets rewind to last spring where O.J. Mayo a guy who was being hailed as the next LeBron James decides to go to USC. Now the media is hyping up the issue of battle for Los Angles between Mayo versus Love.

O.J. Mayo has a pretty productive year for the Trojans averaging 20 a game and led them to an NCCA Tourney bid where they were a six seed only to be knocked out by Michael Beasley and Kansas State. There was even rumors during the Tourney that Mayo would not join the NBA this season and would play another year for USC.... So much for that, he bolted to the NBA and hired an agent.

Here is where the problem lies. According to an ESPN Outside the Lines report, the sports agency BDA and one of their employees Rodney Guilroy who happens to be O.J. Mayo's mentor. Hmm... interesting tidbits about that. O.J. had nice big flat screen T.V. in his USC dorm room, wow how do you afford that when you lived in poor Huntington, West Virgina where according to WSN poster Pistolpetefan23, "Couldnt afford a cellphone." Wow, interesting how he had a high-tech cell phone all throughout the year, maybe he had a kick-ass summer job? Oh wait, he couldnt do that with all the basketball he was playing. All signs in this case point to Guilroy and will put USC in deep shit.

The funny thing about this situation is that Gregg Doyal of CBS Sportsline (hated amongst Badger Basketball fans) wrote an article regrading the character of the O.J. Mayo and this Guilroy character. In this article, Guilroy got in trouble for giving airfare to a USC and Fresno State players in 2000-2001! Cmon, Tim Floyd how does this not set up huge red flags about Mayo and why in the hell do you bring him in? Tim didnt want to be second-fiddle to UCLA anymore so thats why he brought in Mayo. Well now he might be looking for a new job if this gets really serious or not seeing the postseason for the next five years. If I am DeMar DeRozen the big time recruit for USC, I get the hell out of there while I can. Also if his grandfather was still alive, there is no way O.J. steps foot on to USC's campus, no ifs ands or buts about it.

I found an article about Worldwide Wes about a month or so ago who has been involved with some interesting tactics with Memphis and now it seems to be Illinois too. If they find Guilroy to be guilty, they need to at least do some digging about Wes. He sounds too good to be true, just an ambassador. Cmon.

I will say this... the basketball world would be better without AAU.

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